Saturday, 17 September 2011



September 9, 1948 lit up the brightest star in North-East Asia, ushering in a new, socialist state, point out to the countries of the third world a practical way of fighting for their independence, for the legitimate right of every people to self-determination of their historical development.

The founding of the DPRK has become a landmark in the history of the Korean nation, the beginning of the implementation of autonomy and independence of the Korean state, created for the benefit of the working man, for the benefit of his real interests and improving the lives of ordinary people. After Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945 under the leadership of the Great Commander Comrade Kim Il Sung, the Great Leader had done a great job in the direction of unification of the Korean nation, divided geographically into two parts, with the Americans occupying south Korea in the final period of World War II and had refused to leave the territory of the Korean Peninsula after its ending. Unfortunately, the question of unification still remains on the agenda due to the criminal, hostile, U.S. hate policy, strongly opposing this union, contrary to the wishes and aspirations of the entire Korean people.

In the newly-born young Socialist Republic, the creation of an independent and self-sufficient economic base began. The country set its sights on the training of its own intelligentsia and scientific and technical personnel. Adopting the plan of development, tasks were set that were always successfully implemented by the heroic people of the DPRK. During the 63 years, the DPRK has become a country of universal literacy of the entire population, where one in four people have higher education, which has created a high potential of science and culture. But cadres, as we know, are everything. It is therefore not surprising that in response to continued threats, blackmail and diverse direct provocation by the U.S., the nation’s scientists and scientific and technical personnel of DPRK have established a reliable defence of peaceful labour of citizens in the form of nuclear weapons and against the threat of preemptive attack on the country from the crazy arbitrariness of the U.S.. And know matter what one says, it is the presence of the nuclear shield that is currently the only guarantee of peace in Northeast Asia and the Korean peninsula in particular.

Advances in the development of the economy, science and the growth of living standards, continually improving health care in the most remote areas from the capital, large-scale housing construction, both in urban and rural areas, speak volumes. Today,the DPRK has a highly advanced industry and agriculture. Socialism in the DPRK is very difficult to build because of the continuing U.S. interference in all affairs of the Korean Peninsula and the venality of changing South Korean puppet governments, their subordination and subservience to America. However, despite these enormous difficulties, the constant stifling economic blockade against the DPRK, the country is not only not weakened, but grown up, matured and continues to move forward confidently, and recognized by virtually all nations of the world (diplomatic relations have been established). The basis of all achievements is the heroic work of the people of the DPRK, the monolithic unity around their Leader and Party. The Armed Forces of the DPRK are the flesh and blood of the people, not only standing on vigilant guard over the gains of socialism, but also taking a very active part in its future construction. The unity of the people around the Leader and the Party has created a monolith, which no one can destroy.

It now 17 years since the death of the Great Leader, and at the helm of the country is a worthy successor of his cause, Comrade Kim Jong Il. He enjoys the great love and confidence of the people.

His re-re-election as Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission of September 3, 2003 indicates his services to the country and the people and his extraordinary abilities as a politician, ideologue, a wise statesman, and gifted military leader. It is no accident that people of the DPRK call him the Great KIM JONG IL.

Now, the people are preparing themselves for new labour successes to celebrate in the upcoming 2012 centenary of the Great Leader.

We congratulate the courageous and hardworking people from the DPRK on the 63rd anniversary of the founding of their Socialist state, and we wish them continuing strong and confident strides on their path to the top of a highly prosperous socialist state.

On the day of the 63 anniversary of the DPRK, congratulating the Korean people on this holiday, we sincerely wish every family happiness and every success in strengthening the might of the socialist state.


Friday, 9 September 2011



For twenty years there was a long tense, bitter armed struggle for the revival of enslaved by the Japanese – the Motherland of Korea. This struggle was headed, while still quite young, by Kim Il Sung. On October 17, 1926, the future great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung formed the Down with Imperialism Union (DWIU), and on May 5, 1936, he founded the League for national liberation. He formed guerrillas who attacked the Japanese, did not allow them to live in peace, permanently damaging the manpower and arming themselves with weapons captured from the them. Japan in the 1940-s of the twentieth century, did not officially go to war with the Soviet Union, but held in the Far East the largest armed force in the face of the Kwantung Army of a million, choosing the time of the attack on the USSR. Only in Korea did the Japanese during World War II, built four fortified areas, concentrating a huge amount of military equipment there.

The organized armed struggle against the Japanese began with the creation of Kim Il Sung's guerrilla groups. The guerrillas brought a lot of trouble to the Japanese. The armed struggle for the liberation of the motherland has become ever more powerful and more dangerous for the Japanese. Though of course, to fight against the heavily armed and well equipped with arms, ammunition and food regular Kwantung Army was very difficult. The victory was not achieved to easily. But so great was the hatred for the oppressors, that th guerrillas soon grew into the anti-Japanese People's Revolutionary Guerrilla Army, which later became the basis of the Korean People's Army.

The end of World War II in Europe did not mean the end of hostilities in North-East Asia. In August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union, the faithful to allies and international duty, carrying out the commitments adopted at the Teheran and Yalta conferences, today declared a state of war with Japan. On August 8, 1945 the Soviet army inflicted a devastating blow to the Japanese. On August 9, 1945, Comrade Kim Il Sung gave the order to all units for a general offensive for the liberation of the motherland. The troops, who were on the initial positions, carried out operations made according to an operational plan predetermined by Kim Il Sung.

The troops who focused on the basin of the river Tuman (border with the USSR), breaking through the border reinforced by the Japanese, liberated the border regions and captured a vast territory of Korea. The remains of the Kwantung Army, defeated the Soviet army, demoralized and fragmented, still continued to resist. But it was already the end for them. On August 15, 1945 Japan announced its unconditional surrender. Officially, the victorious military campaign of the USSR against Japan lasted 24 days.

Korea started the construction of a new life. At a rally in Pyongyang on October 14 people enthusiastically greeted Kim Il Sung.

"You could say that the people's jubilation on October 14, 1945 in Pyongyang stadium was a public evaluation and compensation for the fact that we had overcome all difficulties and hardships, fighting for the motherland and the nation for half their life. I saw it just as a reward, as an expression of love and trust of the people. I often say, where on earth can be more happiness than the love and support of the people? ..

I was so touched by this trust that people gave me, and I believe this to be the greatest happiness that I experienced in my life." Kim.Il Sung "With the Century" - memoirs.

At the heart of Pyongyang stands a great triumphal arch in honour of Fatherland Liberation Day.

We congratulate the heroic Korean people and its glorious leadership on Fatherland Liberation Day.

We wish the DPRK's complete victory over fascism today - American-Zionist Nazism.

Such people as a nation as the DPRK will never be beaten!