Всесоюзная Коммунистическая партия Большевиков полностью поддерживает позицию КНДР в спровоцированном США и их марионетками Южной Кореи военном инциденте в территориальных водах КНДР 23 ноября 2010 г.
Мы полностью поддерживаем мудрую политику Руководства КНДР, проводимую как внутри страны, так и на международной арене, направленную на сохранение Мира, отстаивание Социализма, Независимости и ПРАВА на самостоятельный выбор пути развития своей страны.
Генеральный Секретарь ЦК ВКПБ
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks fully supports the position of the DPRK in relation to its response to the US/south Korean provocation of a military incident in the territorial waters of the DPRK on 23 November 2010. We fully support the peaceful policy of the Leadership of the DPRK being carried out inside the country as well as on the international arena, directed at the preservation of Peace, defence of Socialism, Independence and RIGHT to independent choice of development of their own country.
General Secretary of the CC AUCPB
N.A. Andreeva
and from International Ation Centre this article
Korea ‘crisis’ made in Washington
Huge U.S.-south Korean military manoeuvres were the real provocation
When a “crisis” regarding Korea suddenly appears in the U.S. corporate media, their take is always that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (socialist north Korea) has done something totally irrational to cause it.
They totally disregard the facts of what happened and, of equal importance, what led up to it.
Yes, the DPRK shelled the island of Yeonpyeong on Nov. 23. According to south Korean officials, two of their soldiers were killed. But the shelling occurred at 2:34 p.m. Korean time. What had happened earlier?
Some 70,000 south Korean military personnel had been mobilized for war “exercises” right off the sea borderline between the north and the south — which is disputed territory. The south Koreans admit to having fired shells into waters that the DPRK considers its territory at 1:00 p.m. — more than an hour before the north’s response.
If south Korea, and its huge sponsor, the U.S., had wanted to avoid confrontation with the DPRK, would they have fired shells into a disputed area? Especially since the DPRK had already declared that the military maneuvers were “simulating an invasion of the north”?
The provocation comes from the U.S. and the right-wing south Korean regime, not the DPRK.
This 70,000-troop military “exercise” by the south Korean regime is scheduled to continue until Nov. 30. Although the U.S. officially denies being part of it, CNN.com on Nov. 23 reported that “Some U.S. forces had been helping the South Koreans in a military training exercise, but were not in the shelled area.” Right. They were part of the provocation but stayed out of range.
In fact, the south Korean military is deeply integrated with the U.S. Pentagon. In July, the two countries held joint “exercises” in the same waters, off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. The maneuvers involved 200 aircraft and 20 ships, including the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier the USS George Washington.
The imperialist media today are saying that the DPRK’s “belligerence” is trying the patience of China. China has been an ally of the DPRK since 1950, when U.S. forces invaded north Korea, bombed all its cities, and threatened the new revolutionary government of China with nuclear war.
But while China is seeking a peaceful solution to the present crisis, there can be no doubt that it sees U.S. belligerence toward the DPRK as a threat to its own peaceful development.
Li Jie, a researcher with the Chinese navy’s military academy, wrote on July 12 in China Daily about the U.S.-south Korean “exercises” scheduled for later that month:
“A joint drill with the ROK [south Korea] in the key waters off its Asian military bases will help the U.S. realize multiple strategic goals in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Li.
“First, the drill will help the U.S. maintain high-pressure against what it calls a restive DPRK regime. It is also believed to be an explicit indication of the U.S. stance that the world’s sole superpower would stand firmly behind the ROK and Japan in case of a military conflict between Pyongyang and Washington’s two traditional Asian allies.
“In addition, a well-deliberated military exercise in the Yellow Sea will also help the U.S. collect geographic and military information about some Asian countries [especially China-d.g.] bordering the vast waters.
“General Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army, has expressed ‘firm opposition’ to the scheduled U.S.-ROK military maneuver.”
But the maneuvers took place anyway.
There is nothing “irrational” in either the response of the DPRK or the worries of the Chinese military. U.S. imperialism waged a horrendous war against the Korean Revolution from 1950 to 1953, one that resulted in millions of deaths. It has occupied south Korea ever since, with a force that still numbers almost 30,000. It has refused to even discuss a peace treaty to formally end that war.
Should it be surprising, then, that the DPRK knows it has to be ready at any time to repel another invasion?
Is it surprising that the leaders in China are alarmed when U.S. imperialism, while making money off investments and trade there, nevertheless tries to encircle it militarily?
Instead of putting out anti-DPRK propaganda in the guise of psycho-analyzing its leaders, why don’t the media ask why the U.S. leaders do what they do? Why have they maintained a hostile policy against the DPRK for more than 60 years, ever since its anti-colonial and anti-capitalist revolution? Why won’t they sign a peace treaty with the DPRK so that the Korean people can work for real disarmament and reunification?
But that would be to acknowledge that the U.S. is ruled by a class of billionaires that has fattened itself on war and exploitation all over the world and has a long history of creating excuses for the bloody expansion of its imperial reach. The media has been part of this inglorious history, ever since the Hearst papers invented an excuse for invading Cuba in 1898.
Let’s not fall for another “Bay of Tonkin” or “weapons of mass destruction” lie. The enemy of the working class is right here, in the board rooms and banks of U.S. capitalism, that are destroying everything the people have won over generations of struggle and hard work.
No aggression against socialist Korea! Lift the sanctions and bring U.S. troops home!
London 24th November
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group of England today issued the following statement in support of the statement of the KPA Supreme Command issued 23rd November in connection with the incident in the West Sea of Korea.
We support the just and revolutionary stand of the of the Korean People's Army in countering the aggression and provocation of the south Korean colonial fascist puppets wirepulled by the US imperialists.
The US imperialists and south Korean puppets went ahead with the provocative "Hoguk"
exercises despite warnings from the DPRK not to and denunication by the world progressive people.Many warnings were given to the south Korean puppets over a period
of time.
Yonphyong island is an illegal south Korean puppet military base actually within the
territory of the DPRK.The south Korean puppets now admit sheepishly they were the
ones who fired first.We congratulate the Korean People's Army for taking such prompt
action to defend the socialist homeland.It it the Korean Peoples Army that is defending
Juche socialism and the independence and sovereignity of the DPRK.It is a revolutionary
anti imperialist revolutionary armed force and the army of the people,the working class,the
revolution and the Party.The KPA does not just talk but takes resolute action.The KPA
and DPRK say what they mean and mean what they say.
We bitterly condemn the US imperialists,Japanese miltarists and assorted international
imperialist reactionaries for fanning war hysteria and attempting to interferere in the
situation.We demand that the US imperialists turn back the USS George Washington.
Moreover we,ASSPUK and JISGE say,it is high time for the US to withdraw from Korea.
London 24th November
The UK Korean Friendship Association today issued the following
statement.We note with great concern as friends of Korea the serious
situation that has arisen as a result of the south Korean puppet
provocation yesterday 23rd of November.
The grave situaton is entirely due to the US imperialists and the south
Korean puppets.The news agency Reuters has quoted south Korea as saying
that it did indeed "test fire" before the Korean Peoples Army of the DPRK
launched a retaliatory artillery barrage,this is an admission of
provocation.Any firing in a disputed area at a time of high tension will
invietably be treated as hostile and due countermeasures taken.
The DPRK does not recognise the so called northern limit arbitarily
imposed by the US and south Korean side without agreement from the
DPRK.The island of Yongphyong is actually inside DPRK territory but south
Korea and the US have bases illegally on the island.This is a military
base area so it is unlikely that there are civilians there.The "Hoguk"
exercise was and is an illegal infringement of the DPRK's sovereignity
which the DPRK demanded to be cancelled and our UK KFA also called so be
cancelled.The "Hoguk" exercise was the latest in a series of US and south
Korean military exercises held in Korea.The KPA had repeatedly warned on
many occasions that any provocation
would be met with a powerful counter strike but the south Korean puppets
foolishly chose to ignore such warnings.
The behaviour of the south Korean puppets is like a small child who has
been punished hard for misbehaving but instead of accepting admonishment
has run home crying to its parents. We support the just and correct action
of the DPRK in defence of its independence, sovereignity and socialist
system.We also support the statement issued by the KPA Supreme Command. We
condemn the media in the UK and US and elsewhere for fanning war hysteria
by exaggerating the incident grossly and false reporting.
We call upon the US to halt the deployment of the "USS George Washington"
and stop the Hoguk exercise NOW! before it is too late.
Please also refer to KFA Forum for Statement from central KFA
On Friday 19th November our UK KFA mailing list was hacked into and the
settings altered so comments posted went to anyone and everyone on the
Many of these comments consisted of accusations against UK KFA from some
people who claimed that they had never joined,it was nothing to do with
them. Unfortuneatly abusive and heavy language was in some cases.We do
apoligise for inconvenience and distress this may have caused
So we would like to make the following clear
FIRSTLY, we apoligise to all those who had their inboxes jammed up with
abusive and flippant emails.Steps have been taken to ensure this does not
happen again.
SECONDLY,UK KFA is a pro DPRK organisation.As it says on the website "Defend
the DPR Korea".If you want to have a go at the DPRK for "political
authoritanism" or "anti Americanism" KFA is not the place to do,there are
plenty of other forums for this.
We make no apolegies for "anti Americanism" ,ie criticism of the policies
and actions of the US government,military and ruling quarters but of
we are not against individual Americans and ordinary Americans.It is the US
that divided Korea in 1945 and still blocks the indepedent refunification of
Korea.It is the US that unleashed a war in 1950 in a land far far from its
shores and killed in cold blood many Korean people.It is the US that to
this very day that has imposed crippling sanctions on the DPRK.It is the
US that has caused $65 trillion worth of damage to the DPRK since 1945.It
the US that has nuclear weapons targetted at the DPRK ,ready to strike at
a moments notice and has on more than 3 occasions actively considered a
nuclear strike against the DPRK.On one of these occasion Winston S
UK Prime Minsister managed to persuade them not to.For all these reasons
we cannot remain silent about the US or sit with folded arms.
We would urge those who are comfortable with this and support this positon
to remain as KFA members.
We would like to hold regular meetings for KFA members both in regions and
localities as well some national meetings.Please email uk@korea-dpr.com if
you want to volunteer to organise a KFA branch or group in your locality.
We would also remind you that contributors to the KFA Forum are wanted
email forum@korea-dpr.com
KPA Supreme Command Issues Communique
Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The Supreme Command of the Korean
People's Army Tuesday released the following communique:
The south Korean puppet group perpetrated such reckless military
provocation as firing dozens of shells inside the territorial waters of
the DPRK side around Yonphyong Islet in the West Sea of Korea from 13:00
on Nov. 23 despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK while staging the war
maneuvers for a war of aggression on it codenamed Hoguk, escalating the
tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The above-said military provocation is part of its sinister attempt to
defend the brigandish "northern limit line," while frequently infiltrating
its naval warships into the territorial waters of the DPRK side under the
pretext of "intercepting fishing boats."
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK standing guard over the
inviolable territorial waters of the country took such decisive military
step as reacting to the military provocation of the puppet group with a
prompt powerful physical strike.
It is a traditional mode of counter-action of the army of the DPRK to
counter the firing of the provocateurs with merciless strikes.
Should the south Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial
waters of the DPRK even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of the
DPRK will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military
counter-actions against it.
It should bear in mind the solemn warning of the revolutionary armed
forces of the DPRK that they do not make an empty talk.
There is in the West Sea of Korea only the maritime military demarcation
line set by the DPRK
Statement Released by Spokesman of DPRK Foreign Ministry
Pyongyang, November 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry
Wednesday issued the following statement:
As already reported by the Supreme Command of the KPA, the revolutionary
armed forces of the DPRK on Nov. 23 took a decisive self-defensive measure
to cope with the enemy's reckless military provocation of firing shells
inside the territorial waters of the DPRK side around Yonphyong Islet in
the West Sea of Korea.
The army of the DPRK warned several times that if even a single shell of
the enemy is fired inside the territorial waters of the DPRK, it will take
a prompt retaliatory strike in connection with the live shell firing drill
they planned to stage from Yonphyong Islet while conducting the ill-famed
war maneuvers for a war of aggression against the DPRK codenamed Hoguk.
At 8:00 a.m. on Nov. 23, the very day the incident occurred, the head of
the delegation of the DPRK side to the inter-Korean military talks sent a
telephone message to the head of the delegation of the enemy side once
again strongly urging it to cancel the plan for staging the above-said
firing drill in the waters around the islet, the sensitive waters.
This notwithstanding, the enemy committed such an extremely reckless
military provocation as firing dozens of shells from the islet inside the
territorial waters of the DPRK side from around 13:00.
The enemy fired shells from the islet which is so close to the territory
of the DPRK that it is within each other's eyeshot despite the fact that
there are so many mountains and rivers, sea waters and islets in south
Korea. This powder-reeking saber-rattling cannot be construed otherwise
than a politically motivated provocation.
The enemy is claiming that they fired shells southward from the islet in a
bid not to get on the nerves of the DPRK but Yonphyong Islet is located
deep inside the territorial waters of the DPRK away from the maritime
military demarcation line. If live shells are fired from the islet, they
are bound to drop inside the territorial waters of the DPRK side no matter
in which direction they are fired because of such geographical features.
The ulterior aim sought by the enemy is to create the impression that the
DPRK side recognized the waters off the islet as their "territorial
waters", in case that there was no physical counter-action on the part of
the former.
Herein lies the crafty and vicious nature of the enemy's provocation.
The army of the DPRK took such a self-defensive measure as making a prompt
powerful strike at the artillery positions from which the enemy fired the
shells as it does not make an empty talk.
This incident is one more dangerous development which took place because
of the illegal "northern limit line" unilaterally fixed by Clark, UN
forces commander, as he pleased on Aug. 30, 1953 after the conclusion of
the Korean Armistice Agreement.
The U.S., its followers and some bosses of international bodies should
drop such bad habit as thoughtlessly accusing somebody before learning
about the truth about the incident.
If they shield south Korea, the criminal, without principle, just for
being their ally, this is little short of feeding oil to the fire.
The DPRK that sets store by the peace and stability of the Korean
Peninsula is now exercising superhuman self-control but the artillery
pieces of the army of the DPRK, the defender of justice, remain ready to
Panmunjom Mission of KPA Sends Notice to U.S. Forces Side
Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- As already reported, the south Korean
puppet war-like forces Tuesday committed another grave military
provocation such as firing shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK
side in the West Sea of Korea.
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK took a prompt and resolute
physical counter-action against the provocateurs who dared fire even
shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side while staging the
maneuvers for a war of aggression against it codenamed Hoguk.
This once again confirmed the unshakable stand of the army of the DPRK not
to allow even in the least anyone to encroach upon its inviolable
territorial waters.
There came from the U.S. forces side a notice blaming the DPRK under the
absurd charge that the recent shelling took place in the area under its
military control and it was a "violation of the Armistice Agreement."
The Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army today sent the following
notice to the U.S. forces side in connection with its attempt to
misrepresent the incident, while thoughtlessly shielding the south Korean
puppet forces who dared make a preempt shelling at the DPRK:
The south Korean puppet warmongers' firing of shells into the territorial
waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea on Nov. 23 was a
premeditated and deliberate military provocation from A to Z and a war
action in fact.
On Nov. 22, the south Korean puppet forces made no scruple of announcing
that they would fire shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side
with artillery pieces they deployed on Yonphyong Island while staging
Hoguk exercises for a war of aggression against the DPRK, straining the
situation on the Korean Peninsula.
In this connection the DPRK side sent a telephone notice to the south
Korean puppet military at 8 a.m. on Nov. 23, strongly urging it to
immediately cancel the plan for firing shells into the territorial waters
of the DPRK side. In the notice the DPRK side seriously warned that if it
paid no heed to this demand, it would face a resolute physical
counter-strike and would be held fully responsible for all the ensuing
The south Korean puppet forces, obsessed by hysteria for invasion of the
DPRK, committed such reckless military provocation as preempting the
firing of shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West
Sea of Korea by mobilizing artillery pieces deployed on Yonphyong Island,
defying the repeated efforts made by the DPRK to prevent military
conflicts and preserve peace and stability in the said waters.
The island, therefore, played the role of an outpost from which a military
provocation was perpetrated against the DPRK and it deserved punishment
meted out by the army of the DPRK according to its self-defensive measure.
The Panmunjom Mission of the KPA in the notice particularly emphasized the
fact that the U.S. forces side, too, is to blame for the incident.
The West Sea of Korea turned into disputed waters always fraught with the
danger of confrontation and clash between the north and the south because
of the illegal "northern limit line" unilaterally fixed by the U.S. inside
the territorial waters of the DPRK. The U.S., therefore, cannot evade the
blame for the recent shelling.
If the U.S. forces side truly desires the detente on the Korean Peninsula,
it should not thoughtlessly shelter the south Korean puppet forces but
strictly control them so that they may not commit any more adventurous
military provocations such as intruding into the waters of the DPRK side
and shelling for the purpose of defending the illegal "northern limit
The prevailing situation goes to prove that it is the south Korean puppet
forces which actually violated the Armistice Agreement and it was none
other than the U.S. which sparked off the conflict in the above-said
This being a hard reality, the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces are
foolishly contemplating an additional provocation aimed to orchestrate
another farce and charade such as the "Cheonan" case while kicking up rows
and holding confabs one after another such as the declaration of a "state
of emergency" and "a meeting of ministers in charge of security," far from
drawing due lesson from the recent shelling.
The Korean People's Army will deal without hesitation the second and third
strong physical retaliatory blow if the south Korean puppet warmongers
commit another reckless military provocation out of all reason.
The U.S. would be well advised to drop its inveterate bad habit of pulling
up others, falsifying the truth about the situation.
S. Korean Puppet Group Warned Not to Do Rash Act
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet group is now
getting hell-bent on the wholesale racket for confrontation with the DPRK
while groundlessly taking issue with the army of the DPRK over its due
punishment meted to the group for its reckless military provocation.
In this regard, a spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful
Reunification of Korea released a statement on Friday.
The recent military provocation by the puppet group is a product of the
deliberate and premeditated plot hatched by it to save its smear
confrontational campaign from total bankruptcy, tarnish the daily rising
might of the DPRK, scuttle the efforts for improving the north-south
relations and tide over the domestic and international isolation and
crisis, it points out, and says:
The group perpetrated the recent provocation prompted by a sinister
calculation that in case the DPRK did not make any reaction it would take
it as "a tacit recognition" of the illegal "northern limit line" and make
it a fait accompli and in case the DPRK took a military
counter-action, it would use it as a pretext for kicking up anti-DPRK
smear campaign.
This notwithstanding, the chief executive of south Korea did not bother
to cry out for "much stronger punishment" while pulling up the DPRK. This
is nothing but last-ditch efforts of those who were hit hard after making
hasty provocation.
The prevailing situation clearly proves that the DPRK's warnings and
domestic and foreign concerns that the seizure of power by the Lee Myung
Bak group of conservatives would bedevil the inter-Korean relations and
lead to a war were by no means for nothing.
If the puppet group insists on confrontation with the DPRK, the DPRK
does not have any idea of dodging it at all.
It is the temperament of the DPRK to resolutely counter confrontation
with confrontation and war with war.
The army and people of the DPRK are now greatly enraged at the
provocation of the puppet group while getting fully ready to give a shower
of dreadful fire and blow up the bulwark of the enemies if they dare to
encroach again upon the DPRK's dignity and sovereignty even in the least.
The group should not run amuck, clearly understanding the will and
mettle of the highly alerted army and people of the DPRK to wipe out the
Escalated confrontation would lead to a war and he who is fond of
playing with fire is bound to perish therein.
Gone are the days when verbal warnings are served only.
We will respond to good faith in kind but punish the provocateurs
encroaching upon our dignity and sovereignty with resolute and merciless
Who Is to Wholly Blame for Armed Clash in West Sea of Korea, Queries KCNA
Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The true colors of the arch criminal who orchestrated the recent military clash is being brought into bolder relief with the passage of time.
No sooner had the Yonphyong incident occurred than the U.S. announced that it would stage joint naval exercises with the south Korean puppet forces with nuclear-powered carrier George Washington involved in the West Sea of Korea as if it had been waiting for it to happen before immediately sending the carrier to the sea.
This clearly indicates that the U.S. was the arch criminal who deliberately planned the incident and wire-pulled it behind the scene.
By orchestrating the "Cheonan" warship case the U.S. realized almost all what it had planned. It could maintain its military base in Okinawa though it had been pressurized to transfer it from there and massively beef up its forces in the areas around the Korean Peninsula.
What is left unfulfilled is the plan to bring the above-said nuclear carrier to the West Sea of Korea.
The U.S. instigated the south Korean puppet forces to perpetrate an armed provocation against the territorial waters of the DPRK side from Yonphyong Island and was contemplating bringing its nuclear-powered carrier to the West Sea, availing itself of the incident, though it was compelled to cancel its plan to do so three times after its announcement.
Right after the occurrence of the military clash, the U.S. spearheaded the racket for "denouncing" the incident in unison as "a unilateral provocation" even before probing the truth about it. This proves that the U.S. had carefully worked out the scenario for the provocation in advance.
The DPRK side warned several times against the enemy's plan for shelling in the sensitive areas around Yonphyong Island and sent a telephone notice on the morning of the very day the incident occurred as part of its superhuman efforts to prevent the clash to the last moment, but the south side preempted the firing of shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side. The enemy side, however, has kept silent about all these facts.
Moreover, it is now working hard to dramatize "civilian casualties" as part of its propaganda campaign, creating the impression that the defenceless civilians were exposed to "indiscriminate shelling" all of a sudden from the DPRK side.
If that is true, it is very regrettable but the enemy should be held responsible for the incident as it took such inhuman action as creating "a human shield" by deploying civilians around artillery positions and inside military facilities before the launch of the provocation.
The fact that there were human casualties inside the military base clearly proves itself the ulterior intention of the enemy.
The U.S. regarded the death of innocent civilians as a common practice in the past in a bid to serve its military purposes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other parts of the world. This inhuman atrocity of the U.S. repeated itself on the Korean Peninsula this time.
While the incident occurred, the shells indiscriminately fired by the enemy dropped in the area close to civilian houses far from the artillery positions of the Korean People's Army.
All facts go to patently prove that it was attributable to the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK aimed to carry out its Asian strategy for domination that an unstable state of armistice has persisted and the military tension escalated periodically over the last nearly six decades.
The U.S. has so far obstructed the solution of any issues related to peace and stability while being keen only to keep the military tension on the Korean Peninsula.
Peace and stability can never settle on the peninsula but only instability will increase in the region near Korea and the rest of the world unless the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK is brought to an end.
The DPRK has so far restrained itself with the maximum patience. But the enemy encroached upon the inviolable territorial waters and land of the DPRK by firing live shells in the most sensitive disputed area despite its repeated warnings.
The counter-shelling of the DPRK was a resolute and proper retaliation against the reckless military provocation of the enemy.
If the U.S. brings its carrier to the West Sea of Korea at last, no one can predict the ensuing consequences.
North Korean artillery taught how to defend national sovereignty, the Chinese elite
November 28, 2010 0 Comments
North Korean artillery taught how to defend national sovereignty, the Chinese elite
The cleanest in the world today who is the cleanest country? Certainly is a socialist North Korea. The world's most independent countries who are most self? Certainly is a socialist North Korea. The world's most toughest national hero who is? Certainly is a socialist North Korea. The world's most adhere to the true faith and the carry forward socialist countries who? Certainly is a socialist North Korea. Really dare to resist the Western world hegemony and power politics of the national powers who is? Certainly is a socialist North Korea. The world really dare to say NO to U.S. militarism in the country are? Certainly is a socialist North Korea. Lingering fear of American imperialism in the world today most countries who are timid scared? Certainly is a socialist North Korea.
China's neighbor and former socialist countries, the DPRK comrades --- no doubt today's capitalism has not contaminated the earth or the last piece of pure land contamination, it is undoubtedly the world's most startling and awe most countries around the world revolutionary people .
Since the lower leaves of the twentieth century, the international camp of the disintegration of communist revolution, many of the socialist countries, have to give up or abandon the existing political beliefs and social systems, from domestic to foreign affairs, from politics to economy, from culture to life way, are beginning to yield to capital and the Western powers, led by U.S. imperialism, the temptation of despotic power and intimidation, active or passive embrace of U.S. imperialism embarked to meet the capital's crooked road or astray.
The face of the US-led imperialist aggressive military offensive of capital and blackmail, the face of South Korean puppet regime of U.S. imperialism and its lackeys in the provocation and slander, in the face of foreign forces of revisionism, the carrot and stick all kinds of speculation, the heroic Korean people, not back , without fear, hatred, wits, courage and faith to defend the socialist country's sovereignty and independence of East Asia in the Stars and Stripes fluttering, head erect.
No need to say, despite the wisdom of the Korean people very hard, despite the incomparable superiority of the Korean socialist system, but because of U.S. militarism in the world hostile to the DPRK in the long-term blockade and containment isolation, so helpless facing the risk of war in North Korea at any time, and today the whole social and material is still relatively scarce, people's life in general is still relatively poor.
However, Ching Ming is such a harmonious society, it is highly material and spiritual life of a high degree of civilization, democracy and the freedom of a high degree of independent self-socialist countries, but all the time was hostile foreign hostile forces and the threat of war to demonize the country. The most shameful is that, once the socialist China, today there are many ignorant unscrupulous villain carries the upstart mentality, intentionally or unintentionally, to demonize the ranks of socialist Korea.
Two in the afternoon about half past 23, the face of South Korean puppet regime of U.S. imperialism's military provocation, North Korea, and 152 mm with 130 mm cannon suddenly the coast more than a dozen kilometers away to the island of Hanzhan Yan Ping launched artillery fire. Korean People's Army of the brave and just move once again to the world that what is meant by power, and what can be called in to defend national sovereignty and core interests.
What is power, strong fear North Korea as the provisional national, be called power.What is an independent country, that country can be called the Korean national independence, what is meant to defend national sovereignty and core interests, like North Korea that "as long as North Korea and then 0.00% violations of the territory of a millimeter," cannon to hit back strongly, This bold move is meant to defend national sovereignty and core interests. To defend national sovereignty and core interests ultimately rely on the gun, several Wenpi school alone or boast Pa Zhuangshennonggui lip to show off the purse strings, can only become more and more bullying by other nations Ah Q.
I warned those who were hostile to the socialist bastard Korea, Wu Hou Po landscaping Socialist Korea has no intention, however, the existence of socialist Korea, like a mirror, reflecting the past, present and future of China, bringing insight on China more strategic thinking in today's China.
We must clearly recognize that, behind the Korean dispute, the United States return to the established strategy of encircling China in East Asia; subversion or invade the DPRK, the United States clean up the implementation of China's established tactical steps. The two Koreas shelling, a puppet regime in South Korea Lee Hai-Jun Huang for the U.S. aircraft carrier stationed in another speech disturbances contain China and concocted excuses. This is a total of three birds with one stone has a very vicious strategy meter plot: one for the United States continues to send more troops to East Asia to contain China an excuse to blackmail the Chinese economy; the second is to spy on the U.S. aircraft carrier into the Huang Haijun speech test China's strategy of strategic deployment in China The bottom line manufacturing excuse; third force China to face the threat of war in Korea must stand in a clear position. If China supports DPRK, you can enter a demonization of China and the DPRK North Korea if China does not support, you can drive a wedge between China-DPRK relations, China's Northeast Asia strategy to remove barriers purposes.
Therefore, Chinese people have to distinguish right from wrong, to solidarity with the heroic Korean people, and not to be reactionary Western media mislead public opinion, not with domestic traitors defamation and Merchandising parrot dance scholars.
North Korea in Northeast Asia is a very important strategic barriers, interdependent, and if China lost this important fraternal socialist Korea, the most directly a result of the U.S. containment of China, O-shaped, it will become a reality In the O-shaped noose. It is possible to unbridled American soldiers into your home, white picket fence in your home for adult drama staged in Hollywood.
In short, is to help the fight against U.S. imperialism, the socialist Korea, the United States or to condone seduce Korean puppet around China all kinds of evil, has become a major issue to be the attitude that, realistically placed in front of China's political elite.China's ability to answer the question whether the political elite, let's wait and see.
NPCK Blasts US-S. Korea Combined Military Exercises
Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- The National Peace Committee of Korea issued a statement on Sunday as regards the fact that the United States and the south Korean puppet group finally kicked off the largest-scale combined military exercises aimed at armed invasion of the DPRK in the West Sea of Korea.
The madcap aggression war exercises launched by them in the sea and the sky near the extension of the Military Demarcation Line in the West Sea of Korea are putting the Korean Peninsula at a state of ultra-emergency while creating the grave situation whereby peace and security are exposed to serious threat, the statement points out, and says:
The West Sea of Korea is the most acute and sensitive area where military conflict might break out anytime due to the illegal "northern limit line" unilaterally drawn by the U.S. and the ceaseless provocation of the south Korean puppet group.
However, the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group kicked off in this area the military exercises with huge aggression armed forces including nuclear powered carrier involved before the recent smoke of shelling disappeared. This is no more than an attempt to find a pretext for aggression and ignite a war at any cost.
In October last they planned to stage the frantic anti-DPRK war games with U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier George Washington again involved in the West Sea of Korea only to be checked by the unanimous protest at home and abroad. But this time they carried such scheme into practice at last under the pretext of the Yonphyong Island incident.
It is the height of folly for the U.S. and the puppet group to browbeat the DPRK with such nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
The U.S. and the puppet group of traitors will be wholly held accountable for having escalated the tension in the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Northeast Asia and wrecked the regional peace and security with their reckless war maneuvers.
The Anti Imperialist Independence Association of Britain wish to denounce the Foreign
Secretary William Hague for his remarks attacking the Democratic Peoples Republic of
Korea for its defence of its territory and borders.Hagues remarks represented arrogant
imperialist interference in the DPRK internal affairs.It is the DPRK's sovereign right to
defend its territory against aggression.Hague who is a hasbeen and failed Toryboy has no
right to interfere in the affairs of the dignified and independent Democratic Peoples
Republic of Korea.
Hague's outburst represents British imperialism siding with the US imperialists and south
Korean puppets repeating the shameful history of 1950 when the UK sent mercenary troops to fight the young Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea suppressing its struggle for independence and reunification.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Friday, 26 November 2010
Panmunjom Mission of KPA Sends Notice to U.S. Forces Side
Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- As already reported, the south Korean puppet war-like forces Tuesday committed another grave military provocation such as firing shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea.
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK took a prompt and resolute physical counter-action against the provocateurs who dared fire even shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side while staging the maneuvers for a war of aggression against it codenamed Hoguk.
This once again confirmed the unshakable stand of the army of the DPRK not to allow even in the least anyone to encroach upon its inviolable territorial waters.
There came from the U.S. forces side a notice blaming the DPRK under the absurd charge that the recent shelling took place in the area under its military control and it was a "violation of the Armistice Agreement."
The Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army today sent the following notice to the U.S. forces side in connection with its attempt to misrepresent the incident, while thoughtlessly shielding the south Korean puppet forces who dared make a preempt shelling at the DPRK:
The south Korean puppet warmongers' firing of shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea on Nov. 23 was a premeditated and deliberate military provocation from A to Z and a war action in fact.
On Nov. 22, the south Korean puppet forces made no scruple of announcing that they would fire shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side with artillery pieces they deployed on Yonphyong Island while staging Hoguk exercises for a war of aggression against the DPRK, straining the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
In this connection the DPRK side sent a telephone notice to the south Korean puppet military at 8 a.m. on Nov. 23, strongly urging it to immediately cancel the plan for firing shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side. In the notice the DPRK side seriously warned that if it paid no heed to this demand, it would face a resolute physical counter-strike and would be held fully responsible for all the ensuing consequences.
The south Korean puppet forces, obsessed by hysteria for invasion of the DPRK, committed such reckless military provocation as preempting the firing of shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea by mobilizing artillery pieces deployed on Yonphyong Island, defying the repeated efforts made by the DPRK to prevent military conflicts and preserve peace and stability in the said waters.
The island, therefore, played the role of an outpost from which a military provocation was perpetrated against the DPRK and it deserved punishment meted out by the army of the DPRK according to its self-defensive measure.
The Panmunjom Mission of the KPA in the notice particularly emphasized the fact that the U.S. forces side, too, is to blame for the incident.
The West Sea of Korea turned into disputed waters always fraught with the danger of confrontation and clash between the north and the south because of the illegal "northern limit line" unilaterally fixed by the U.S. inside the territorial waters of the DPRK. The U.S., therefore, cannot evade the blame for the recent shelling.
If the U.S. forces side truly desires the detente on the Korean Peninsula, it should not thoughtlessly shelter the south Korean puppet forces but strictly control them so that they may not commit any more adventurous military provocations such as intruding into the waters of the DPRK side and shelling for the purpose of defending the illegal "northern limit line".
The prevailing situation goes to prove that it is the south Korean puppet forces which actually violated the Armistice Agreement and it was none other than the U.S. which sparked off the conflict in the above-said waters.
This being a hard reality, the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces are foolishly contemplating an additional provocation aimed to orchestrate another farce and charade such as the "Cheonan" case while kicking up rows and holding confabs one after another such as the declaration of a "state of emergency" and "a meeting of ministers in charge of security," far from drawing due lesson from the recent shelling.
The Korean People's Army will deal without hesitation the second and third strong physical retaliatory blow if the south Korean puppet warmongers commit another reckless military provocation out of all reason.
The U.S. would be well advised to drop its inveterate bad habit of pulling up others, falsifying the truth about the situatio
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK took a prompt and resolute physical counter-action against the provocateurs who dared fire even shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side while staging the maneuvers for a war of aggression against it codenamed Hoguk.
This once again confirmed the unshakable stand of the army of the DPRK not to allow even in the least anyone to encroach upon its inviolable territorial waters.
There came from the U.S. forces side a notice blaming the DPRK under the absurd charge that the recent shelling took place in the area under its military control and it was a "violation of the Armistice Agreement."
The Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army today sent the following notice to the U.S. forces side in connection with its attempt to misrepresent the incident, while thoughtlessly shielding the south Korean puppet forces who dared make a preempt shelling at the DPRK:
The south Korean puppet warmongers' firing of shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea on Nov. 23 was a premeditated and deliberate military provocation from A to Z and a war action in fact.
On Nov. 22, the south Korean puppet forces made no scruple of announcing that they would fire shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side with artillery pieces they deployed on Yonphyong Island while staging Hoguk exercises for a war of aggression against the DPRK, straining the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
In this connection the DPRK side sent a telephone notice to the south Korean puppet military at 8 a.m. on Nov. 23, strongly urging it to immediately cancel the plan for firing shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side. In the notice the DPRK side seriously warned that if it paid no heed to this demand, it would face a resolute physical counter-strike and would be held fully responsible for all the ensuing consequences.
The south Korean puppet forces, obsessed by hysteria for invasion of the DPRK, committed such reckless military provocation as preempting the firing of shells into the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea by mobilizing artillery pieces deployed on Yonphyong Island, defying the repeated efforts made by the DPRK to prevent military conflicts and preserve peace and stability in the said waters.
The island, therefore, played the role of an outpost from which a military provocation was perpetrated against the DPRK and it deserved punishment meted out by the army of the DPRK according to its self-defensive measure.
The Panmunjom Mission of the KPA in the notice particularly emphasized the fact that the U.S. forces side, too, is to blame for the incident.
The West Sea of Korea turned into disputed waters always fraught with the danger of confrontation and clash between the north and the south because of the illegal "northern limit line" unilaterally fixed by the U.S. inside the territorial waters of the DPRK. The U.S., therefore, cannot evade the blame for the recent shelling.
If the U.S. forces side truly desires the detente on the Korean Peninsula, it should not thoughtlessly shelter the south Korean puppet forces but strictly control them so that they may not commit any more adventurous military provocations such as intruding into the waters of the DPRK side and shelling for the purpose of defending the illegal "northern limit line".
The prevailing situation goes to prove that it is the south Korean puppet forces which actually violated the Armistice Agreement and it was none other than the U.S. which sparked off the conflict in the above-said waters.
This being a hard reality, the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces are foolishly contemplating an additional provocation aimed to orchestrate another farce and charade such as the "Cheonan" case while kicking up rows and holding confabs one after another such as the declaration of a "state of emergency" and "a meeting of ministers in charge of security," far from drawing due lesson from the recent shelling.
The Korean People's Army will deal without hesitation the second and third strong physical retaliatory blow if the south Korean puppet warmongers commit another reckless military provocation out of all reason.
The U.S. would be well advised to drop its inveterate bad habit of pulling up others, falsifying the truth about the situatio
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Communique Issued by KPA Supreme Command
Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army Tuesday released the following communique:
The south Korean puppet group perpetrated such reckless military provocation as firing dozens of shells inside the territorial waters of the DPRK side around Yonphyong Islet in the West Sea of Korea from 13:00 on Nov. 23 despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK while staging the war maneuvers for a war of aggression on it codenamed Hoguk, escalating the tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The above-said military provocation is part of its sinister attempt to defend the brigandish "northern limit line," while frequently infiltrating its naval warships into the territorial waters of the DPRK side under the pretext of "intercepting fishing boats."
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK standing guard over the inviolable territorial waters of the country took such decisive military step as reacting to the military provocation of the puppet group with a prompt powerful physical strike.
It is a traditional mode of counter-action of the army of the DPRK to counter the firing of the provocateurs with merciless strikes.
Should the south Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of the DPRK even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it.
It should bear in mind the solemn warning of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK that they do not make an empty talk.
There is in the West Sea of Korea only the maritime military demarcation line set by the DPRK.
The south Korean puppet group perpetrated such reckless military provocation as firing dozens of shells inside the territorial waters of the DPRK side around Yonphyong Islet in the West Sea of Korea from 13:00 on Nov. 23 despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK while staging the war maneuvers for a war of aggression on it codenamed Hoguk, escalating the tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The above-said military provocation is part of its sinister attempt to defend the brigandish "northern limit line," while frequently infiltrating its naval warships into the territorial waters of the DPRK side under the pretext of "intercepting fishing boats."
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK standing guard over the inviolable territorial waters of the country took such decisive military step as reacting to the military provocation of the puppet group with a prompt powerful physical strike.
It is a traditional mode of counter-action of the army of the DPRK to counter the firing of the provocateurs with merciless strikes.
Should the south Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of the DPRK even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it.
It should bear in mind the solemn warning of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK that they do not make an empty talk.
There is in the West Sea of Korea only the maritime military demarcation line set by the DPRK.
Friday, 12 November 2010
Prison Term Inflicted upon Member of Solidarity Organization in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 11 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet supreme court inflicted a prison term upon a member of the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration on charge of violating the draconic "National Security Law" on November 8, according to south Korean Yonhap News.
The supreme court at a trial held that day sentenced him to two years in prison, etc. charging that the music CDs he had were the "enemy-benefiting ones as they praise the north".
The supreme court at a trial held that day sentenced him to two years in prison, etc. charging that the music CDs he had were the "enemy-benefiting ones as they praise the north".
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Confrontation Maniacs' Piffles Dismissed
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The gentry of the Grand National Party of south Korea, at a recent meeting of major party executives held at the "National Assembly", let loose a spate of ridiculous balderdashes that "the north is likely to come in touch with 'al-Qaida' for carrying out its terror operation against the south" before and after an international meeting, crying out for taking precautionary measures and keeping an eye on it.
Rodong Sinmun Tuesday observes this in a signed commentary.
It goes on:
This is nothing but sophism that can be let loose only by those tricksters who orchestrated such an unprecedentedly hideous conspiratorial farce and charade as the case of warship "Cheonan". The ulterior aim sought by the south Korean conservative forces through this is to label the DPRK "a provocateur" and "a terrorist" at any cost in a bid to justify their policy for escalating the confrontation with it and hamstring any effort to improve the inter-Korean relations come what may.
Accusing the south Korean authorities of kicking up a noisy row of "security" in the run-up to an international meeting, the commentary goes on:
It is the ultra-right conservative group led by the GNP that is taking the lead in this confrontation hysteria, fanning up the above-said unsavory campaign. It is busy floating misinformation about the DPRK's possible linkage with "al-Qaida," regarding the forthcoming international meeting as a golden chance. Through this it seeks to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK and justify its stance of scuttling dialogue and rejecting cooperation.
The extreme atmosphere of confrontation created by the south Korean conservative group, ballyhooing about even someone's "possible terrorism," a sheer fiction, is nothing but the last-ditch efforts of those driven into a tight corner by the DPRK's efforts for dialogue and support from the international community.
The south Korean authorities would be well advised to stop at once their conspiratorial racket, bearing in mind that a wicked man is his own hell.
Group of Traitors Accused of Working Hard to Violate Democracy in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Civic and public organizations in south Korea including the Joint Conference of Human Rights Organizations held a meeting in Seoul on Nov. 5 denouncing the group of traitors for working hard to violate democracy.
Speakers at the meeting declared that the authorities' enaction of a special law allowing police and army to ban rallies and demonstrations as they please under the pretext of ensuring an international meeting indicates that the human rights abuses have gone beyond the tolerance limit.
Accusing the tyrannical forces of creating a terror-ridden atmosphere such as suspecting people and indiscriminately putting them in custody, they stated that they would stage dynamic actions to foil the repressive campaign of the authoritie
Projected Additional Negotiations for Import of American Beef Termed Humiliating
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Opposition parties in south Korea on Nov. 5 strongly protested against the puppet authorities' plan to conduct additional negotiations for the import of American beef.
A spokesman for the Democratic Labor Party declared at a press conference that the projected additional negotiations would be little short of an act of violating democracy as they are aimed at seeking collusion in a secret room in violation of the right of the people and the failed diplomacy and a war declaration against them.
He stated the party would launch a sit-in strike to check the above-said negotiations and judge without fail those engrossed in sycophancy and treachery.
A spokesman for the Democratic Party held at a press conference that it has become clear that the "government" is draining on resources for the U.S., warning that all the opposition parties and civic and public organizations would never remain passive onlookers to this. -0-
Rodong Sinmun Tuesday observes this in a signed commentary.
It goes on:
This is nothing but sophism that can be let loose only by those tricksters who orchestrated such an unprecedentedly hideous conspiratorial farce and charade as the case of warship "Cheonan". The ulterior aim sought by the south Korean conservative forces through this is to label the DPRK "a provocateur" and "a terrorist" at any cost in a bid to justify their policy for escalating the confrontation with it and hamstring any effort to improve the inter-Korean relations come what may.
Accusing the south Korean authorities of kicking up a noisy row of "security" in the run-up to an international meeting, the commentary goes on:
It is the ultra-right conservative group led by the GNP that is taking the lead in this confrontation hysteria, fanning up the above-said unsavory campaign. It is busy floating misinformation about the DPRK's possible linkage with "al-Qaida," regarding the forthcoming international meeting as a golden chance. Through this it seeks to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK and justify its stance of scuttling dialogue and rejecting cooperation.
The extreme atmosphere of confrontation created by the south Korean conservative group, ballyhooing about even someone's "possible terrorism," a sheer fiction, is nothing but the last-ditch efforts of those driven into a tight corner by the DPRK's efforts for dialogue and support from the international community.
The south Korean authorities would be well advised to stop at once their conspiratorial racket, bearing in mind that a wicked man is his own hell.
Group of Traitors Accused of Working Hard to Violate Democracy in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Civic and public organizations in south Korea including the Joint Conference of Human Rights Organizations held a meeting in Seoul on Nov. 5 denouncing the group of traitors for working hard to violate democracy.
Speakers at the meeting declared that the authorities' enaction of a special law allowing police and army to ban rallies and demonstrations as they please under the pretext of ensuring an international meeting indicates that the human rights abuses have gone beyond the tolerance limit.
Accusing the tyrannical forces of creating a terror-ridden atmosphere such as suspecting people and indiscriminately putting them in custody, they stated that they would stage dynamic actions to foil the repressive campaign of the authoritie
Projected Additional Negotiations for Import of American Beef Termed Humiliating
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Opposition parties in south Korea on Nov. 5 strongly protested against the puppet authorities' plan to conduct additional negotiations for the import of American beef.
A spokesman for the Democratic Labor Party declared at a press conference that the projected additional negotiations would be little short of an act of violating democracy as they are aimed at seeking collusion in a secret room in violation of the right of the people and the failed diplomacy and a war declaration against them.
He stated the party would launch a sit-in strike to check the above-said negotiations and judge without fail those engrossed in sycophancy and treachery.
A spokesman for the Democratic Party held at a press conference that it has become clear that the "government" is draining on resources for the U.S., warning that all the opposition parties and civic and public organizations would never remain passive onlookers to this. -0-
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